guardian home

hello,as a part of our first homework to e-business course i have done an analysis of The Guardian newspaper,it is pretty interesting ; so please give yourself time to download and read the full report . have a look and answer the **Discussion** questions found below .


Discussion :

* Do you think shopping category which is included in the guradian is useful more than or equal to other emarketplaces? which are only e-marketplaces not as public portal as well ?

*which one of the following blogs you found most effective:

1- Sports fan.

2- Business people

3- Stock exchange investors.

4- Environmental people who are concerned

5- Job seekers.

*have you ever heard about the guardian newspaper before? if yes please specify the way you had.

*do you rely on news you read from the Guardian? To which extent you depend on others point of view and experiences you read in the travel log blog?

Mouner Nijmeh

MBIT -2008

E-Business course - Miss Xenia Ziouvelou